- PHPNuke SEO Search engine optimization, professional tools including nukeSEO, nukeSPAM, nukeFEED, nukePIE, nukeWYSIWYG and more


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 What's a feed, and why do I care? 
Asking for design feedback on nukeFEED without providing more information about feeds might be putting the cart before the horse. What is a feed, and why should webmasters care?  In short, syndicating your content, or distributing your content to a wider audience via a syndicated feed might be the most underutilized method for increasing traffic and search engine placement.  And if the rumored US$100 million acquisition of by Google takes place, it might be an even better mechanism for increasing site revenue.

Being able to display other sites' content is great - for the other site and for your existing site members.  But being able to syndicate your content  - not just news, but whatever content you deem appropriate - in whatever forms various readers can support (i.e. not just RSS 0.91) is even better.  And, syndicating content through sites like FeedBurner, Netvibes, NewsGator, Pageflakes, Rojo, and many others can increase link popularity, in addition to give your visitors another way to view your content and come to your site.First things first: what is a feed? According to, a feed is " which you can subscribe and read / watch / listen using a feed reader." The backend.php script has enabled PHP-Nuke to feed news headlines in the RSS 0.91 format for many years.  Other scripts have been developed by 3rd parties to provide similar RSS 0.91 feeds for forums and downloads. Feeds can be generated using multiple XML formats, including RSS 0.91, RSS/RDF 1.0, RSS 2.0, ATOM 0.3, ATOM 1.0 and OPML (among other, less commonly used formats).  The RSS 0.91 format is limited to a title and URL for a specific content item, and supporting only this format severely limits PHP-Nuke since modern formats like RSS 2.0 and ATOM 1.0 make much more information (e.g. description, images, etc.) available to feed readers.

A feed reader, also known as a news aggregator or podcatcher, is an application that let's you subscribe to and consume the content of a feed.  Most portals (e.g. My Yahoo and Google home page) can consume syndicated content in various formats.  PHP-Nuke, via the RSS/RDF file URL setting in Blocks administration, can consume RSS 0.91 feeds in blocks, and the excellent MultiHeadlines addon has enabled Nuke to consume RSS 2.0 and ATOM feeds as well.

The goal for nukeFEED is to fill a current gap for PHP-Nuke by enabling greater flexibility in feed generation - and more options for webmasters using PHP-Nuke, RavenNuke and other PHP-Nuke distributions.  It will be another powerful addition to the PHP-Nuke SEO toolbox.

. Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 @ 01:07:56 CDT by kguske   .
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