I added StumbleUpon to the social bookmarking links. I used the code for Reddit as an example. Now I am noticing that for both Reddit and StumbleUpon, the links have "25" in places throughout. When I submit to StumbleUpon, I am taken to a bad url link. I haven't tried submitting to Reddit yet, but I can see the same thing in those links.
Here is an example of the link produced for StumbleUpon:
You can see the 25 before each item.
Here is the code from includes/nukeSEO_SB.php:
Code:$bookmarks["reddit"] = array (
"siteurl" => "http://reddit.com/submit?url={MYNUKEURL}&title={MYNUKETITLE}",
"siteimgsm" => "images/socialbookmarks/reddit_sm.png",
"siteimglg" => "images/socialbookmarks/reddit.png",
"imgalt" => "reddit this"
$bookmarks["stumbleupon"] = array (
"siteurl" => "http://stumbleupon.com/submit?url={MYNUKEURL}&title={MYNUKETITLE}",
"siteimgsm" => "images/socialbookmarks/stumbleupon_sm.gif",
"siteimglg" => "images/socialbookmarks/stumbleupon.gif",
"imgalt" => "stumbleupon this"
Any idea what could be causing this and how I can fix it.