Hi all,
I'm in trouble to understand why my php-nuke 7.6, nsn news 2.0 and FCK Editor 2.6.3 don't run as well!!!!
Problem is that if I try to create a table in article, the system change tags in something different after pressed preview button (and if I manually correct the code, after sending the article, same problem will raise again) .
I tryed to replace files downloaded from here several times, with no success!
Problem is not present if I use original news module.
First question:
where do I have to configure allowable html tags in NSN News? Do I have to use admin panel or I have to edit a file?
In first case do I have to rewrite all tags in a format recognized by the module (such as table=>1 instead of 'table'=array()... and so on)?
Is there any other step to follow, after loaded files (for both Fck editor and NSN News modification) and changed config.php and mainfile.php?
Please help me... I'm getting crazy!!!!