nukeSEO(tm) Dynamic HEAD preview
Date: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 @ 23:36:37 CDT
Topic: nukeSEO(tm)

nukeSEO™ Dynamic HEAD, aka nukeSEO DH, will first be released in RavenNuke™ 2.4.0.  nukeSEO DH will enable RavenNuke™-powered websites to:

  • dynamically generate title, META DESCRIPTION and META KEYWORDS tags based on content at multiple levels (site, module, category, content)
  • override these tags at all levels (site level override is required and can not be deleted)
  • use the sitename, slogan, module name and year (i.e. show the current year in the copyright tag) in the tags so these can all be dynamically loaded / generated
  • allow site super admins to maintain overrides on the page using a modal popup that includes overrides and tags generated for that page using the hierarchy
  • generate tags for additional content types using a class-based approach without modifying code (just add a class for the additional module)

nukeSEO™ DH is integrated with the dynamic JS and CSS loading functions in RavenNuke™ 2.4.0. and requires nukeNAV™ - a new dynamic CSS-based menu function that can be added to Nuke themes with a simple change to the themes and uses CSS to make nukeNAV™ look pretty with each theme.

Here's a preview of nukeSEO™ DH (click the full-size button to see the detail):


What's in the future for nukeSEO™ DH?  Possible enhancements include:

  • Additional configuration / admin functions
  • The ability to maintain / override all HEAD tags - not just the title, DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS
  • Additional traditional nukeSEO™ functions (like SEO analysis)

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