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Feed Preview

Understand the "garbage in, garbage out" principle: not all feed generators generate valid feeds 100% of the time. Source servers might go down, changes are made - usually these are temporary issues.  If there are invalid characters or other HTML issues in the source feed, nukePIE probably won't correct them.

When a feed stops working, there are several things you can do:
  • Verify that the feed is displayed correctly using an un-cached reader (e.g. your browser or another feed reader that hasn't previously displayed the feed).
  • If the un-cached feed is displayed correctly, clear the cache files (not .htaccess or index.html) in the /cache directory and it should display correctly again. If it still doesn't display correctly, post a message in the nukePIE forum.
  • If not:
    • Report the problem to the feed generator with as much detail as you are able to determine.
    • If the error is displayed in the block, change the block to only be visible to admins until the source is displayed correctly.
    • If the error is displayed in page source or in a site message log, change the block permissions or simply ignore it.
nukeFEED uses classes created for different types of content to determine how to process that content.  This enables a simple approach for adding additional content types to nukeFEED.  Classes for the NSN Group Downloads and Tutoriaux modules have been included with the download, and nukeFEED uses those content classes to check for the existence of corresponding database tables to determine if these modules are used on the current website.  If the modules aren't being used, the tables won't exist, and nukeFEED won't make them available as selections in the Feed Administration function.  ONLY the Feed Administration function uses this technique, so the errors will only appear in the database error log when an administrator uses that function.

If you remove the scripts that correspond to unused content types from the includes/nukeSEO/content directory (for example, Tutoriaux.php and Downloads_GR.php), these messages will no longer appear in the database log when administrators use the Feed Administration function.

Since some modules may use the same directory and file names (e.g. Downloads and NSN Group Downloads), it would be impossible to use the existence of files as a way to determine if a module were in use.  This is why nukeFEED checks for the existence of specific database tables to determine if a module is in use.
nukePIE offers several advantages over the standard PHP-Nuke block RSS reader:
  • The ability to read and properly display modern RSS 2.0 and ATOM 1.0 feeds (PHP-Nuke only reads RSS 0.91)
  • Significantly improved HTML compliance (e.g. ampersands are no longer displayed in feed item titles)
  • The ability to display feed item descriptions either in the link title tags or as full HTML popups via BoxOver, which is optimized for search engines
The standard PHP-Nuke block RSS reader caches feeds in the nuke_blocks table, along with the definition of the feed.  nukePIE uses SimplePie, which caches feeds in files in the cache directory.  To do this, the cache directory must be writeable - but it is protected from abuse in a number of ways, including the htaccess file included in the cache directory.

SimplePie automatically refreshes the cache file in the cache directory, but if you delete an RSS block, the unused cache file will remain in the cache directory. You can delete all the cache files (but not .htaccess and index.html) in the cache directory at any time, and any used by active blocks will be restored the next time the block is displayed.
To use nukePIE™ simply define an RSS or ATOM block in the standard PHP-Nuke blocks administration page. This function has been corrected in RavenNuke™ to correctly update RSS blocks (in many versions of Nuke, the block update function doesn't work under certain conditions).

If you'd like to display full HTML popups using the included BoxOver script (the same script used by nukeSEO Mouse Hover Topic Boxover - and by the administration help function in nukeFEED™), simply add (or change) a line in your config.php (or rnconfig.php for RavenNuke users):

    $useBoxoverWithnukePIE = true;
nukePIE™ is a replacement for the headlines function in PHP-Nuke's mainfile.php script that is used to display RSS blocks.  As a feed reader, nukePIE™ is the opposite of nukeFEED™ which creates feeds from Nuke content. nukePIE™ uses the SimplePie RSS class (included), which supports RSS 2.0 and ATOM 1.0 feeds. It uses BoxOver to optionally display the descriptions for feed items as HTML popups.
The feed circulation graph is a service of Joost de Valk's SEO Blog. It requires that the FeedBurner Awareness API be activated for the feed in your FeedBurner account.

Occasionally, the feed circulation graph may still show an error (e.g. JPGRAPH error) even after the Awareness API is activated.  Initializing the graph may resolve this.  To do this, visit and enter the FeedBurner address for the feed in question.  This will generate the graph, and make it available to on your HTML preview page afterwards.
Even if you have a FeedBurner account, turn on FeedBurner integration in nukeFEED™, and define a FeedBurner address in nukeFEED™, you must still active the FeedCount service at
OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) is an XML format for outlines.  In nukeFEED™, it is used to create an XML feed map that can be used to exchange lists of web feeds with web feed aggregators.
Valid OPML
A feed map is a sitemap for feeds - it lists all of the active feeds available from a website.  In nukeFEED™, the default display in the Feeds module is a feed map.  The feed map also has a link to an OPML feed map, which is an XML version of the feed map that can be used by many feed aggregators.


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